Is Your Feline Friend Suffering From Kidney Disease? Look Out For These Signs!

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A Galloping Guide To Horse Care You would be hard pressed to find a young child who didn't want a pony at some point in their life, but once a parent says yes, how do you care for the horse? Your local vet can answer all your specific questions about how to raise a healthy horse, but you can also use these blog posts to give you an overview during your horse ownership journey. Check out this web site for information about horse feed, signs your horse needs vet attention, and even riding tips for beginners. Horse health is not a complicated subject, and the more you know, the happier your horse (and child) will be.



As a pet owner, one of the scariest things to hear from the vet is that your beloved cat has kidney disease. It is a common ailment among cats, especially as they age, and can be fatal if not caught in time. However, with proper care and early detection, cats can lead a fulfilling life even with kidney disease. Learn how to tell if your cat has kidney disease and what you can do to help them.

Increased Drinking and Urination

One of the most common symptoms of kidney disease in cats is increased drinking and urination. If you observe your cat consuming an increased amount of water and urinating more frequently, it could indicate potential kidney dysfunction. Pay attention to how often your cat is using the litter box and if they are producing larger than usual amounts of urine.

Loss of Appetite and Weight

Another symptom of kidney disease in cats is a loss of appetite. If you notice your cat skipping meals or not finishing their food, it may be a sign that they are feeling unwell. Similarly, kidney disease can cause weight loss as the cat’s body is not properly absorbing nutrients. Monitor your cat's eating patterns and weight to identify any potential issues.

Lethargy and Dehydration

Kidney disease can cause cats to become dehydrated, leading to lethargy and a lack of energy. If you observe your cat sleeping excessively or exhibiting reduced activity, it could indicate that they are not in optimal health. Dehydration can also lead to dry and flaky skin, so watch for any changes in your cat’s coat or overall appearance.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Kidney disease can cause cats to vomit or have diarrhoea as their body tries to get rid of toxins. If you notice your cat having frequent bouts of vomiting or diarrhoea, it may be a sign that they have kidney disease. These symptoms can also be caused by other health issues, so consult your vet to determine the cause.

Bad Breath and Mouth Ulcers

In some cases, kidney disease can cause bad breath and mouth ulcers in cats. This is due to a build-up of toxins in the cat’s body that affect their oral health. If you notice your cat having bad breath or favouring one side of their mouth when eating, it may be a sign of kidney disease.

If you notice your cat exhibiting any of these symptoms, take them to the vet as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Reach out to a vet near you to learn more.

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